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Social Media Marketing

Digital Growth Through Svinzy Digital Marketing Solutions

Navrathan Jewellery, a renowned name in the luxury jewelry industry, partnered with Svinzy Digital Solutions to enhance their social media presence and drive business growth. With Svinzy's expertise in digital marketing and their tailored social media strategies, Navrathan Jewellery experienced remarkable success in their online marketing efforts.


Important Facts

  • Strategic Planning
  • Content Creation
  • Targeted Advertising Campaigns
  • Increased Brand Visibility
  • Improved Website Traffic
  • Boosted Sales and Revenue

Svinzy Digital Solutions began by conducting an in-depth analysis of Navrathan Jewellery's target audience, competitors, and market trends. Based on their findings, they developed a comprehensive social media marketing strategy that aligned with Navrathan's brand identity and business goals. Svinzy's team worked closely with Navrathan Jewellery to refine their brand positioning and craft compelling messaging that resonated with their target audience.

Svinzy focused on building a strong online community for Navrathan Jewellery, fostering engagement and establishing long-lasting customer relationships. They responded promptly to customer inquiries and comments, addressing concerns and providing personalized support. By nurturing an active and loyal online community, Svinzy helped drive customer loyalty and advocacy.

  • Client: NAVRATHAN
  • Location: Bengaluru
  • Service: Social Media Marketing
  • Completed: 10 Feb 2020
  • Website: navrathan.com